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The Young Ambassadors Brazil Program (YAP-BR) consists of a virtual training with a total duration of 6 months (October 2021 to April 2022), bringing together young leaders from traditional Brazilian communities to collaborate with public dissemination and communication, event initiatives. impact and much more to promote sustainability and environmental management towards another possible world.

The program appears as a flowering of the  Young Ambassadors Program - YAP , an initiative of the  the Earth Project  and of the  UNESCO - IGCP  with editions of Young Ambassadors from around the world.


Following YAP's vision, we created the Youth Ambassadors Program Brazil (YAP - BR), where Young Ambassadors will develop technical and critical skills through workshops and weekly seminars with experts, activist leaders and NGOs focused on the environment and the rights of communities traditional ones.  


After this program, Youth Ambassadors will be equipped with the necessary skills to start their own initiatives and pilot projects that impact their communities.


 The training program aims to train traditional community leaders in Brazil to build impactful projects in their communities, launch campaigns, network and work with NGOs.


The program's mission is to train young people and create spaces for dialogue and exchange, providing for the inclusion of different views in public debate, seeking to build a sustainably balanced society.


The program's vision is to expand communication between traditional communities and the national and international community to create an organic and plural environment for dialogue.

 The projects will have all the help possible from the  the Earth Project , a_Bridge and  World's Youth for Climate Justice. 


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